Puppy sleeve made of jute.Shoulder protection is included.
Must have item to start your puppy bite training.
Lower part(made of jute) can be replaced.

Remember - you should not do tug or bite work training while your puppy is teething
So why and for what purpose should you start using jute puppy sleeve?
The answer is simple - you need it when it is time to imprint training and to build a strong foundation in your dog.
Jute puppy sleeve will help to build confidence and to develop a full grip as well
It will expose your dog to different surfaces and textures in bite training.
Please note that we make it of jute.
Shoulder extra protection is included, please note that while most of vendors will charge you separately for upper protection part and sometimes even for leather belt connecting bottom part of the sleeve with shoulder protection - we have this included in the price.

Puppy sleeve made of jute
Puppy sleeve made of jute with shoulder-Training Puppy Sleeve